My LOTD, April the 6th.
CREDITS. Pose - credits to Dismorph "Convex, Concave"
Posesphere - credits to Marxisphere by Marx Dudek.
Tint on the Posesphere - 00000 Black, hand tinted by Winter Jefferson.
Sim Taken On - credits to Glookbone, parcel owned by Cajsa Lillehook.
Avatar - credits to Second Life owned by Linden Labs.
Prim Hair - credit to Dernier Cri
Shirt - credit to Gabriel
Eyes - credit to Fusemelon
Necklace - credit to M.R.M Raymaker
Tank - credit to Zaara
Pants - credit to Armidi
Skin - credit to Belleza
Shoes (not seen) - credit to Kalnins
Fangs - credit to the bastard that jumped me 248 years ago.
Penis (not seen) - credit to Realasm
Prescence of Prim Hair - credit to Washu Zebrastripe for making this possible
Prescence of Prim Shoes - credit to Stiletto Moody... apparently
Avatar's Vampire Theme - credits to Bram Stoker.
Man behind the Avatar - credits to Mum and Dad.
Avatar photographed in Second Life - credits to Philip Rosedale and Linden Labs
Emerald Viewer Used - credits to Jessica Lyon and LordGregggg
Personal Computer - credits to Bill Gates and Steve Jobs for keeping computers affordable by competition.
The Internet - credits to Tim Berners-Lee and Al Gore, on behalf of DARPA.
Online Status - credits to the power generated by dinosaurs and other critters that make oil.
Ability to access the internet - credit to Iinet, and Optus for the phone .
Fossil Fuels - credits to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Zombie Jesus.
Pissed off look - credit to plurk/blogger drama. As per usual.
For extra credit -
Ashia's blogpost on the same topic.